University of Bremen                                          Hybrid Materials Interfaces Group Fachbreich Produktionstechnik

Conrad Naber Endowed Chair
Hybrid Materials Interfaces
Grenzflächen in der Bio-Nano-Werkstofftechnik







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2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019-2017 2016-2014 2013-2011 2010-2007
11. Z. Fan, J. Zimmermann, L. Colombi Ciacchi, M. Fischlschweiger
LCT-informed cross-fractionation chromatography revealing degree of crystallinity of single macromolecular species
10. D. Campisi, A.G.G.M. Tielens, W. Dononelli
The role of point defect reconstructions and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in silicate dust preservation
9. H. Wang, S. Benter, W. Dononelli, T. Neudecker
JEDI: A versatile code for strain analysis of molecular and periodic systems under deformation
Submitted ChemRxiv
8. A. Pazhedath, L. Bastonero, N. Marzari, M. Simoncelli
First-principles characterization of thermal conductivity in LaPO4-based alloys
Submitted arXiv
7. M. Vollbrecht, K. Pramanik, L. Colombi Ciacchi, L. Mädler
Investigating the compositional space of gas-phase synthesized fayalitic model slags aiming at cobalt recovery
Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy, accepted (2024)
6. E. Macke, I. Timrov, N. Marzari, L. Colombi Ciacchi
Orbital-resolved DFT+U for molecules and solids
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 20, 4824-4843 (2024) Full text
5. F. Zeller, C.-M. Hsieh, W. Dononelli, T. Neudecker
Computational high-pressure chemistry: ab initio simulations of atoms, molecules and extended materials in the gigapascal regime
WIREs Computational Molecular Science 14, e1708 (2024) Full text ; ChemRxiv
4. L. Bastonero, N. Marzari
Automated all-functionals infrared and Raman spectra
npj Computational Materials 10, 55 (2024) Full text ; arXiv ; Materials Cloud Archive
3. Y.-X. Tsai, N.-E. Chang, K. Reuter, H.-T. Chang, T.-J. Yang, S. von Bülow, N. Zerrouki, M. Gecht, C. Penet, I.L. Grothaus, L. Colombi Ciacchi, K.-H. Khoo, G. Hummer, S.-T.D. Hsu; C. Hanus, M. Sikora
Rapid simulation of glycoprotein structures by grafting and steric exclusion of glycan conformer libraries
Cell 187, 1296-1311 (2024) Full text ; Press release
2. M.I. Guanipa Ortiz, Y.R. Corrales Ureña, F.H. Baggio Aguiar, D.A.N. Leite Lima, K. Rischka
Enzymatically driven mineralization of a calcium-polyphosphate bleaching gel
Bioengineering 11, 83 (2024) Full text
1. C. Arend, I.L. Grothaus, M. Waespy, L. Colombi Ciacchi, R. Dringen
Modulation of multidrug resistance protein 1-mediated transport processes by the antiviral drug ritonavir in cultured primary astrocytes
Neurochemical Research 49, 66-84 (2024) Full text
Other articles
3. A. Reis, S. Vehlken, K. Eickel, P. Götz
Das ganze Objekt verstehen -- Magnetresonanzverfahren in der Kulturerbe-Forschung
Deutsche Schiffahrt 1, 17-20 (2024) Full text